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Group Visit Form
Thanks for your interest in setting up a Group Visit! Note that all visit dates/times are subject to availability. Please schedule visits at least one month in advance (for groups larger than 40 students, please schedule 2-3 months in advance). Please contact the Admissions Office at
for additional information about group visits.
High School Visits normally include an Admissions Presentation (1/2 hour) and a Campus Tour (1 hour).
Middle School Visits are not currently being offered.
Name of School*
CEEB (hidden)
School Address*
School Address*
Postal Code
Contact First Name*
Contact Last Name*
Job Title*
Display Name (hidden)
Contact Email Address*
Set Device Type: Email (hidden)
Email Address
Evening Phone
Mobile Phone
Primary Phone
Contact Phone Number*
Set Device Type: Phone (hidden)
Email Address
Evening Phone
Mobile Phone
Primary Phone
Email: Add formula to copy device value (hidden)
Requested Visit Date and Time*
Is this an AVID/TOPS Group?*
Is this an AVID/TOPS Group?*
Visiting groups must be accompanied by adult chaperones. The ultimate responsibility for each group rests with these designated adults, not Edgewood College. Please provide 1 chaperone for every 10 students. Visiting groups are expected to conduct themselves as respectful visitors and not demonstrate disruptive behaviors or may not be asked to return.
Number of Students*
Number of Chaperones*
Grade Level of Group*
Which options would you like during your visit?*
Which options would you like during your visit?*
Campus Tour (1 hour)
Admissions Presentation (1/2 hour)
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your visit?